Mulled wine sorbet recipes for the cold months of the year. Would you like to enjoy a sorbet even in the cold season? I think then I have exactly the right recipe for you with this mulled wine sorbet. I hope you enjoy this recipe.


I haven't tested the recipe yet. But it should be very good. I would be very happy if you had experience with the recipe. Just comment below how you liked it.

It would be great if you could send me a nice photo of the finished ice cream that I can use here :-).

You can upload the picture and send it to me here.

Please write me briefly which recipe picture it is.

If several photos are submitted, don't be sad if I choose another picture that might fit a little better.

Note on the photo:
Please the photo of a scoop of ice cream on a plate or bowl. Please do not take the photo too close and not directly from above, but rather from the side. So that all of the ice can be seen nicely. You see how the photos look like here.

Greetings Andreas

