Fantastic strawberry ice cream
I love strawberry ice cream. It has to be nice and intense and, above all, nice and creamy. On the search for the perfect strawberry ice cream, I kept testing and the result was this strawberry ice cream "creamy deluxe"! This isn't a sorbet, but it's also not milk ice cream. It's something in between. Wonderfully creamy and velvety like a milk ice cream, but without tasting too milky like a classic strawberry milk ice cream. At the same time it is as aromatic and intense as a sorbet. For me a whole new way to make fruit ice cream and it will certainly not be the last fruit ice cream with this new recipe approach.
18. May 2022 @ 10: 10
If you have a man who only knows his ice cream in strawberries from the memory of his favorite Italian and he wants exactly this, then you can try it here...AND...It was a hit in terms of taste!!!!! This is now an integral part of our new chest freezer....
3. June 2022 @ 21: 20
Very tasty, better than from the ice cream parlor. I don't really like strawberry ice cream 😀 Replaced it with raspberries, my husband's favorite ice cream.
24. June 2022 @ 17: 05
Hello, unfortunately that was it Sorbet-Perfecto not in stock when i ordered and i would love to make this ice cream but the other two ingredients (cremosa-Perfecto + binder) I have there. Can I increase one of the two?
Thanks and LG,
24. June 2022 @ 17: 10
Then just take instead Sorbet-Perfecto, Eis-Perfecto. LG Andreas
13. May 2023 @ 9: 16
The perfect strawberry ice cream! Fully aromatic, tender and creamy. And that, although the strawberries are currently not so optimal in terms of taste!
Hardly any ice cream parlor can keep up. The recipe will definitely be tried with other types of fruit, thanks for the crazy recipe!