Those who love coconut and peanuts will love this ice cream too.

Those who love coconut and peanuts will love this ice cream too.
Cream cheese and peanut butter with salt, mix, stir until smooth and set aside.
First, cook a kind of pudding. Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut milk with cornstarch in a small bowl.
Bring the rest of the coconut milk to the boil with sugar, honey and vanilla, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 minute. (e.g. in the CC bowl with a balloon whisk, or simply on the stove in a pot)
Add the starch pulp and stir everything well. Let this mixture simmer for about 1 minute, stirring, until it thickens. Remove from heat.
Perfecto Stir in ingredients. Mix for approx. 2 minutes.
Now stir in the hot coconut mixture and gradually stir in the peanut butter mixture with the balloon whisk.
Let everything cool down completely. (Stir cold in a water bath)
Best to put in the fridge overnight.
Mix the ice base briefly, freeze in the ice cream maker.
In the last third of the preparation, add half of the caramelized nuts. (or layer in the finished ice cream)
Let the ice cream stir and put in a container, smooth out and sprinkle with candied ginger and the remaining nuts.
Close the container and let it freeze in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
Caramelize the peanuts in a pan / add salt. Let cool completely on a piece of baking paper. Then roughly chop.
The Perfecto You can order ice powder in the Movito Online Shop!
Click here to go to the ice cream ingredient shop
28. December 2020 @ 16: 00
Note not everyone has a CC.
The recipe is delicious !!!
18. February 2022 @ 20: 01
This ice cream is definitely one of our top ten 🤩 Great consistency and an incredibly interesting taste that you like to enjoy again and again. Goes great with something chocolaty and, for example, the blood orange ice cream.
I have a gingerVariegato made, I was sure that we would like it better than candied ginger pieces. It was the right decision.
Real bomb 👌🏻