So far, no cherry ice cream with real cherries has convinced me. Previous attempts have always been bland, didn't have a nice color and often tasted metallic. But anyone who knows me knows that it doesn't work, it doesn't exist. So I kept tinkering and trying until this awesome cherry ice cream came out.
It's a sorbet, so without milk. I find fruit ice cream simply tastes the most intense and authentic when there is no milk involved. This always changes the taste a lot. Thanks to our CremosaPerfecto, this great cherry ice cream is in no way inferior to milk ice cream.
The texture is wonderfully creamy and this is tasty Ice cream recipe a force. I have 350g of cherries with a small part of ours Cherry ice cream paste strengthened. The result is absolutely amazing. More intensity is not possible and the ice cream has a great color and tastes absolutely natural. A must for all cherry fans!