A domino ice cream! What is better for this time of year? It's the beginning of November and I tell you it's getting colder and colder. So our ice cream creations have to get warmer and warmer 🙂
This is exactly what our domino ice cream is! A nice, delicious ice cream that isn't cold like a sorbet for those hot summer days. No, domino ice cream is exactly the opposite. It will give you a nice chubby and cozy feeling. Just the thing in these cold days!
For the ice cream you need an apricot or currantVariegato.
You can find the basic recipe here
The Perfecto-Ingredients can be found here »

27. December 2022 @ 20: 35
Tastes better than dominoes 👌🏻 You can also do well with the peach-oranges Variegato combine from the shop. Delicious!