Winter ice cream recipe
In the cold winter months it can also be a different ice cream! While looking for new winter ice cream creations, I came up with the idea of making a yeast dumpling ice cream. I love yeast dumplings at the Christmas market. Nicely filled with plum jam, with poppy seeds and a delicious vanilla sauce. Exactly this combination thought I would also make a great yeast dumpling ice cream.
Yeast dumplings ice cream with plum poppy seeds Variegato
The ice cream is based on a delicate milk ice cream with mascarpone and a little Vanilla paste. Not as much as a classic one vanilla icecream, but still noticeable. A plum poppy seed will later be placed in the ice cream Variegato that we make from plum jam and ground poppy seeds. Incidentally, I ground the poppy seeds myself in the kitchen machine.
Fantastically delicious winter ice cream
All in all, the yeast dumpling ice cream turned out very tasty and goes wonderfully with the cold season. The plum jam and poppy seeds come through perfectly and do that Ice cream recipe to a great winter pleasure. I wish you a lot of fun after Eiseln.

29. December 2021 @ 13: 49
Delicious ?