Very tasty, creamy ice cream, can be scooped wonderfully.
The Hugo Frizzante rounds off the wonderful taste.
I am totally enthusiastic about the perfect taste.
Very tasty, creamy ice cream, can be scooped wonderfully.
The Hugo Frizzante rounds off the wonderful taste.
I am totally enthusiastic about the perfect taste.
Ca. Bring 530g milk to the boil, add elderflower and mint, cover and leave to stand in the refrigerator overnight.
Strain, there must be 475g left.
Mix dry ingredients, mix with elderberry milk, syrup and condensed milk on the highest setting. Heat to 40 ° so that the ingredients combine better.
Add the cream, just mix briefly.
Leave to mature in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.
Mix, freeze.
Just before the end, add the Hugo Frizzante.
When pouring into the container, between each layer, Hugo Variegato admit, mix in if necessary.
Both syrup with Variegato perfecto Bring to the boil, stir well with a whisk, simmer gently for 3-5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars.
Should drag for 24 hours, in any case, swirl into the ice first when cold.
The Perfecto You can order ice powder in the Movito Online Shop!
Click here to go to the ice cream ingredient shop