A delicacy that becomes a heavenly seduction
Today a burnt almond ice cream with Amarena cherries! I recently had the recipe "roasted almond ice cream" set. If you haven't read it yet, check it out now!
Roasted almonds, yes, here too, memories of festivals, fairs, fairs, Christmas markets and so on come back to me. But for me, roasted almonds have always been a delicacy. For me, making ice cream out of it was: you absolutely have to do that. With this ice cream creation, I thought to myself, top the delicious delicacy and make it a heavenly pleasure. As I said, the roasted almond ice cream recipe is very tasty, but this recipe with Amarena cherries or with the Amarena cherry Variegato is absolutely awesome. The Amarena cherries taste slightly like Amaretto and go perfectly with the "roasted almond ice cream". It's a great combination, that taste of roasted almonds and the Amarena cherries. The ice cream is super creamy and also slightly fruity. And it still looks great. I recommend it to everyone who loves roasted almonds and likes to experiment. The fruity, super delicious Amarena cherries are the highlight of this ice cream creation. A heavenly seduction for you and your loved ones.
Burnt almond ice cream with Amarena cherries - not only in winter
As a dessert, maybe for your Christmas dish, just perfect. But I can imagine that this ice cream creation is not only for the cold season - but also in summer at 30 degrees, it is a delicious, creamy and fruity ice cream sensation. Enjoy it, not only at the dining table or on the couch, but also in the garden chair, lounge ... or wherever.
There are 2 versions - with ice paste and without ice paste
There are also two versions of this ice cream recipe. One is with our delicious roasted almond ice cream paste and the variant is without.

4. December 2023 @ 21: 45
I think it tastes very tasty. However, the GöGa was not so enthusiastic; For him - as an Amarena ice cream fan - the combination was somehow not right 😅