Crunchy, colorful ice-cream like you know from bum-bum ice or cactus ice. My kids love cactus ice cream and bum-bum ice cream. That's why I went to it and worked out a recipe to make such an ice cream myself.


You can pour this colorful ice glaze over your ice cream and it solidifies into a delicious and crunchy ice glaze within seconds. But you can also use it to cover your popsicle with a colored glaze.


There are no limits to your imagination. Because the glaze is neutral in color and taste. She can go with Food coloring and flavors can be customized. So combinations like green woodruff, pink unicorn or blue smurf glazes are possible. The choice of flavors for example Ellis flavors is huge and leaves nothing to be desired.


So that it crackles in the mouth as nicely as with cactus ice cream, I made a variant for the kids with a crackling shower head. You can find it here Crackle Crystals pop shower.


It can be prepared very well. So that you always have a delicious glaze there. To make it a little firmer after a few hours, all you have to do is put the ice glaze briefly in hot water. After 2-3 minutes it will be liquid enough again to perfect your ice cream.


Tip: I recommend storing ice glaze in a glass bottle or a shaker. The ice glaze can be quickly liquefied in hot water when it has become a little solid.


Note: Please do not keep the ice glaze in the refrigerator. It just gets very hard and that's not necessary for durability.
