A Variegatothat you can only spoon like that. 😉

A Variegatothat you can only spoon like that. 😉
I first melted all the "wet" ingredients in a saucepan on the stovetop over low heat.
Now add the dry, mixed ingredients to the pot and mix well.
So that the typical marzipan taste is retained, I added a few dashes of bitter almond flavor. (without something was missing, you have to taste)
Let this mix cool down and then mix vigorously.
I put the mass in a screw jar and placed it in the TK.
But you can also put them on fresh ice cream and freeze or whirl with them.
It stays soft and portionable even when frozen.
The Perfecto You can order ice powder in the Movito Online Shop!
Click here to go to the ice cream ingredient shop www.movito.fit
4. December 2019 @ 22: 51
Fits perfectly in the poppy ice cream .. ???