Vanilla ice cream is a classic. Some love it, others hate it. Personally, I'm not a fan of vanilla ice cream either? least the one I bought. However, there are two exceptions: 1. hot love (vanilla ice cream with hot raspberries - in itself a classic), or 2. Styrian ice cream and I would like to recommend that to you here. If you like pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil, you will definitely like this combination. I know it sounds weird at first. ice cream with oil? … with all dishes where pumpkin seed oil is used, the ice cream is also a pleasure.
You don't need much for Styrian ice cream. Vanilla ice cream, pumpkin seeds, sugar and seed oil ... oh yes, and those who love cream on ice cream, of course, also.

12. September 2020 @ 22: 58
Exceptional but very tasty