Creamy ice cream recipe with a fine mocha note.
Mix all dry ingredients
Mix the milk, cream and the dry ingredients and bring everything to the boil briefly, stirring constantly.
Let the ice cream mix in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Now freeze the ice with an ice cream maker or the hand method.
The Perfecto You can order ice powder in the Movito Online Shop! Click here to go to the ice cream ingredient shop
8. March 2019 @ 1: 46
I love it. . a strong coffee note, but nothing for me before falling asleep…. ???
17. April 2019 @ 16: 45
Very tasty ice cream with a strong coffee note. Only for coffee fans 😉 😀
15. May 2020 @ 6: 36
Delicious and even completely untalented beginners can "recreate" it with the good instructions
26. July 2020 @ 21: 00
Pure coffee, very tasty and strong, still have it with espresso Variegato mixed
4. July 2021 @ 11: 08
How do I have to change the recipe if I want to add a pinch of Kahlua? Then alcohol is added, as it were, that should have an effect on the recipe.
5. July 2021 @ 12: 51
Hello Bluf2057, you can add 50-60g of liqueur and then 50g Eis-Perfecto against 50g Perfecto Minus exchange.
Click here!
Eis-Perfecto is a brand of Movito whey | Imprint Data Protection | Contact | Terms & Conditions
8. March 2019 @ 1: 46
I love it. . a strong coffee note, but nothing for me before falling asleep…. ???
17. April 2019 @ 16: 45
Very tasty ice cream with a strong coffee note. Only for coffee fans 😉 😀
15. May 2020 @ 6: 36
Delicious and even completely untalented beginners can "recreate" it with the good instructions
26. July 2020 @ 21: 00
Pure coffee, very tasty and strong, still have it with espresso Variegato mixed
4. July 2021 @ 11: 08
How do I have to change the recipe if I want to add a pinch of Kahlua? Then alcohol is added, as it were, that should have an effect on the recipe.
5. July 2021 @ 12: 51
Hello Bluf2057, you can add 50-60g of liqueur and then 50g Eis-Perfecto against 50g Perfecto Minus exchange.